Representante Cliff Bentz
Oregón 2do Distrito del Congreso
Ex representante Greg Walden
Río Hood
El líder republicano del Senado, Tim Knopp
El líder republicano de la Cámara, Jeff Helfrich
Río Hood
Senador Daniel Bonham
Los Dalles
Senador Fred Girod
Representante Tracy Cramer
Quemadura de madera
Representarativa Shelly Boshart Davis
Representante Ed Diehl
Representante Rick Lewis
La ex representante Christine Drazán
Alcalde Brian Hodson
Alcaldesa Susan Coleman
suey Inicio
Alcalde Tom Ellis
Valle Feliz
Alcalde Scott Keyser
Alcalde Brian Quigley
Concejal Josh Callahan
Valle Feliz
Concejal David Emami
Valle Feliz
Jam del jefe de bomberoses Davis
Don Anderson, U.S. Air Force
Tom Andrusko, U.S. Army
James Ball, U.S. Army
Tony Barber, U.S. Navy
Gus Bedwell, U.S. Army
Ernesto S. Belliard, U.S. Army
Larry Bishop, U.S. Army
Ralph Boedigheimer, Naval Reserve
John Burrell, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force
Robert Byrd, U.S. Marine Corps
Al Caiazza, U.S. Army
Joshua Callahan, U.S. Army
Eric Carson, U.S. Army
Lisa Cassel, U.S. Army
Sergio Cettina, U.S. Army
Mike Chambers, U.S. Navy
Rick Coufal, U.S. Army
Randy Cox, U.S. Army
James Cranor, U.S. Army
Matt Dencof, U.S. Air Force
Paul Dewitt, U.S. Navy
Gabriel Dobrichkov, U.S. Marine Corps
Paul Edgar, U.S. Army
Tom Ellis, U.S. Coast Guard
George Endicott, U.S. Army
Tonya Fagen, U.S. Army
Frank Faijo, U.S. Marine Corps
Betty Fish-Ferguson, U.S. Navy
Mark Fitz, U.S. Army
Charles Flores, U.S. Army
Bill Gabriel, U.S. Marine Corps
Paul Gavey, U.S. Coast Guard
Jonathon Gould, U.S. Marine Corps
Paul Gross, U.S. Air Force
Chris Guin, U.S. Army
Sehun Han, U.S. Army
Ken Hauge, U.S. Navy
Don Hedlind, U.S. Navy
Roger Heegard, U.S. Army
Lyle Hicks, U.S. Navy
David Hicks, U.S. Navy
Doug Jones, U.S. Air Force
Laurie Kimmell, U.S. Air Force
Steve Kinney, U.S. Navy
Jim Kitchen, U.S. Marine Corps
Chad Kyser, U.S. Air Force
Dave Lawler, U.S Army
Larry Lent, U.S. Navy
Rick Lewis, Army National Guard
Wally Long, U.S. Navy
Chris Lopez, U.S. Air Force
Jeanie Lovejoy, U.S. Army
Tom Marple, U.S. Marine Corps
Randy Marvin, U.S. Air Force
John Miller, U.S. Air Force
Dan Minor, U.S. Army
Sue Ana Montgomery, U.S. Navy
Lydia Moore, U.S. Navy
Jim Morrell, U.S. Navy
Charles Morris, U.S. Navy
Tom Morrison, U.S. Coast Guard
Tim Mueller, U.S. Army
Jason Mugar, U.S. Air Force
Michael Newgard, U.S. Army
Tim Nihoul, U.S. Army
J.D. Pavek, U.S. Marine Corps
Joel Pawloski, U.S. Army
John Perry, U.S. Army
Jay Peterson, U.S. Army
Raymond Platz, U.S. Navy and U.S. Air National Guard
Eric Post, U.S. Marine Corps
Aimee Reiner, U.S. Navy Reserves
Richard Roberts, U.S. Marine Corps
Keith Rockow, U.S. Army
Anthony Ronning, U.S. Army
Grant Roper, Oregon National Guard
Kevin Scoggin, U.S. Air Force
Dennis Scouten, U.S. Navy
Curtis Shipps, U.S. Navy
Steve Sims, U.S. Navy
Michael Sipe, U.S. Army
Roger Smith, U.S. Navy
Don Smith, U.S. Air Force
Marshall Smith, U.S. Army
Bob Smith, U.S. Navy
Randy Soria, U.S. Navy
Anthony Stacy, U.S. Navy
Deanna Stewart, U.S. Air Force
Ellis Stoma, U.S. Air Force
Tom Stutheit, U.S. Air Force
John Sweeney, Army National Guard
JW Terry, U.S. Navy
Brian Tipsword, U.S. Navy
Dick Tobiason, U.S. Army
Todd Tuthill, U.S. Navy
William Wammock, U.S. Army
Ben West, U.S. Naval Reserve
Zac West, U.S. Army
Micheal Williams, U.S. Coast Guard
Jon Wright, Oregon Air National Guard
​Steve Locke, Owner of Locke Buildings
Lizbeth Lopez-Hale, Owner of Tree City Reality​
Mark Delucia, Owner of Dealer Mine
Jeff Bieker J., Owner of Bieker Company LLC
Tom Andrusko, Owner of Andrusko & Sons
Fadi Aranout, Owner of Mediterranean Grill
Bill Krasnogorov, Owner of Red Hills Construction
Neil Nedelisky, Owner of Eagles Landing
Thomas Joseph, Owner of Thomas Joseph Personalized Dry Cleaning
Justin Hwang, Owner of Joy Teriyaki & Joy Poke
Martin Fleck, President of A.H. Northwest
Eric Hern, Owner of Entouch Solutions
Josh Callahan, Founder of Callahan Law Office
Terry Emmert, Founder of Emmert International
Lori Olund, President of Miles Fiberglass
Tony Uzuegbunam, Founder of the House of Rose
Ken Han, CEO of Danos Capital
Kichae Han, Owner of KC’s Mini Mart & Gas
Kaden Couch, Owner of Swift Lawn Care
Mark Fitz, Owner of Star Oil Co
Darren Welborn, Welborn Ventures
Mike Holm, CEO of Oregon-Canadian Forest Products
James Ball, Pro Lift Garage Doors of Portland
Jerry Fee, Northwest Safe Sales
Dan Corcoran, CFO of McDonald & Wetle
Scott Kirkland, Managing Partner at Root Mortgage
Jeremy Coburn, Owner of JMS Wind and Solar
David Golobay, Owner of Sun Glow Heating and Cooling
Junki Yoshida, Founder Mr. Yoshida’s® Marinade and Cooking Sauces
Tom Liesy, Owner of Liesy Homes Northwest
Rob Freres, Owner of Freres Lumber
Jane Freres, Owner of Freres Lumber
Diriba Sapanie, Owner of PuroClean
Geoff Davis, Owner of Davis-Glass
Mark Knowles, Owner of Pixelsilk
David Cosper, Owner of DMC Engineering
Dee Dee Garnett, Owner of Dancing Jalapeno Food Spread
Nancy Hamilton, Owner of Nancy Scrapbooking Studio
Troy D. Lyver, Owner of Lyver Engineering and Design
Tony Debone, Former Owner of Little D Technology
Timothy Morgan, Owner of Farmers Insurance Tim Morgan Agency
Michael Summers, Owner of Summers Flooring
Larry George, Owner of George Packing Company
Oscar Hult, Owner of The Natty Presser Haberdashery
Scott Mcclendon, MMG Horizontal Boring & Underground Services LLC
Rodney Kremer, Owner of Kremer Construction
Savina Nelson, Owner of Caregiver to the Rescue
Jeremy Roberts, Owner of Mid-Willamette Valley Movers
Hal Hughes, Owner of Strategic Financial Services LLC
Harold Rust, Owner of HLRust and Associates
Louie Arzaga, Owner of Asset Recovery Collective
Matt Cyrus, Owner of Aspen Lakes Golf Course
Charles Kalk, Owner of CK Construction

Presidenta Tootie Smith
Condado de Clackamas
Presidente Tony De Bone
Condado de Deschutes
Presidente Roger Nyquist
Condado de Linn
Comisionado Ben Oeste
Clackamas Ccondado
Comisionada Sherrie Sprenger
Condado de Linn
Comisionado Will Tucker
Condado de Linn
Comisionada Danielle Bethell
Condado de Marion
Comisionado Kevin Cameron
marion codesatado
Comisionado Colm willis
Condado de Marion
United Food and Commercial Workers Union
Oregon Coalition of Police and Sheriffs
Ironworkers Local 29
Association of Flight Attendants
CWA Union
Oregon Farm Bureau
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades District Council 5
International Association of Firefighters Local 1159
Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen
Western States Carpenters
Teamsters Joint Council No. 37
Oregon State Firefighters Council
Operating Engineers Local 701
Elevator Constructors Local 23
Log Cabin Republicans
American Federation of Government Employees
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
American Maritime Officers
Seafarers International Union
International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots
Marine Engineers’ Beneficial Association
NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots​​​
Air Line Pilots Association, International
Oregon Small Business Association PAC
Oregon Cattlemen's Association
Clackamas County Peace Officers Association
United Association Local 290
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
American Conservation Coalition Action
Doug Marteeny
Linn County District Attorney
John Foote
Former Clackamas County District Attorney
Nick Hunter
Marion County Sheriff
Shane Nelson
Deschutes County Sheriff
Michelle Duncan
Linn County Sheriff
Tim Muller
Former Linn County Sheriff
Jim Syring
Deputy Chief Clackamas Fire District #1 Ret.
Joe Rodondi
Lebanon Fire Chief
James Davis
Former Canby Fire Chief
Nick Tyler
Sweet Home Fire Chief
Dan Drazan
Canby Fire Department Volunteer
Dave Klym
U.S. Forest Service WFF Ret.
Larry Bryant
U.S. Forest Service WFF Ret.
Jim Ferraris
Former Woodburn Chief of Police and President of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police
Jim Band
Former Oregon City Chief of Police
Rick Lewis
Former Silverton Chief of Police
Jeff Groth
Former Sherwood Chief of Police
Frank Schoenfeld
Former Molalla Chief of Police
Aaron Schmautz
President of the Portland Police Association
Lee Erickson
Oregon State Police Major Ret.
Andy Olson
Oregon State Police Lieutenant Ret.
Edward May
Portland Police Bureau Precinct Commander Ret.
Ric Deland
Portland Police Bureau Lieutenant Ret.
Larry Baird
Portland Police Bureau Lieutenant Ret.
Daren Roeser
Portland Police Bureau Sgt Ret.
Mark Georgioff
Portland Police Bureau Sgt Ret.
Kevin Hogan
Portland Police Bureau Sgt Ret.
Tim Sommerville
Portland Police Bureau Patrol Officer Ret.
Randy Butler
Portland Police Bureau Ret.
Rudi Gottwald
Portland Police Bureau Ret.
Laurie Kimmel
Multnomah County Sheriff's Department Sgt Ret.
Rick Coufal
Multnomah County Sheriff's Department Sgt Ret.
Jeff Helfrich
Multnomah County Sheriff's Department Sgt Ret.
Bob Skipper
Multnomah County Sheriff's Department Deputy Ret.
Stan Houston
Multnomah County Sheriff's Department Civil Deputy Ret.
Ken Boell
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Lieutenant Ret.
Lynn Shoenfeld
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Sgt Ret.
Don Boone
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Sgt Ret.
John Christiansen
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Sgt Ret.
Dave Howard
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Detective Ret.
Mark Nikolai
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Deputy Ret.
Geoff Erichsen
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Deputy Ret.
Stephen Funk
Clackamas County Sheriff's Department Deputy Ret.
Dave Lawler
Linn County Sheriff's Department Sgt Ret.
Sherrie Sprenger
Benton/Grant County Sheriff's Department Deputy Ret.
Jesse Cardoni
Deschutes County Sheriff's Department Deputy Ret.
Bill Kler
Oregon City Police Department Capt Ret.
Tony Fetters
Canby Police Department Ofc Ret.
Tim Warren
Canby Police Department Sgt Ret.
Mike House
Gladstone Police Department Sgt Ret.
Mike Boyd
West Linn Police Department Ret.
Martin Meskers, Oregon Flowers Inc
Helene Meskers, Oregon Flowers Inc
Tyler Meskers, Oregon Flowers Inc
Mark Bigej, Big Al's Nursery
Macy Wessels, Hazelnuts
Jessica George, George Packing Company
Larry George, George Packing Company
Matt Bunch, Agriculture Specialist
Matt Cyrus, Potatoes/Cattle
Denver Pugh, Grass Seed
Larry Bailey, Ornamental Trees
Angi Bailey, Ornamental Trees
Gabrielle Rossi, Rossi Farms
Ryan Glaser, Grass Seed
Katie Bosart Glaser, Grass Seed
Telly Wirth, Grass Seed
Don Wirth, Grass Seed
Shelly Bosart Davis, Grass/Straw
Kathleen Avila, Tomatoes
Richard Avila, Tomatoes
Lee Erickson, Horses
Connie Erickson, Horses
Stuart Olson, Assorted Fruit
Tony Debone, Livestock
Kathy Debone, Livestock
Mollie Fessler, Nursery
Kyle Fessler, Nursery
Guy Lewis, Grass Seed
Jon Wright, Livestock
Dean Schrock, Grass Seed/Wheat
Kathleen Schrock, Grass Seed/Wheat
Chris Schrock, Grass Seed/Wheat
Dean Freeborn, Grass Seed/Wheat
Stan Boshart, Grass Seed/Hazelnuts
Lori Boshart, Grass Seed/Hazelnuts
Troy Hadley, Grass Seed/Wheat
Kathy Hadley, Grass Seed/Wheat
Dave Goracke, Cala Farms Grass Seed
Joe Ruef, Mink Farm
Shane Gomes, Eagle Valley Ranch
Kristina Gomes, Eagle Valley Ranch
Dana Hindman-Allen, Horses
Richard Roberts, Hay/Cattle
Faith Roberts, Hay/Cattle
Debbie Fessler, Nursery
Tom Fessler, Nursery
Randy Marvin, Agriculture multipurpose
Tammy Marvin, Agriculture multipurpose
Jon Iverson, Wheat
Katie Iverson, Flowers
Barb Iverson, Flowers
Paul Hatcher, Cattle
Mary Hill, Hobby Farm Cattle
Bill Schiedler, Assorted Fruit
Janice Schiedler, Assorted Fruit
Katie Sommer, Blackberries/Ornamental Conifers
Tootie Smith, Hazelnuts
Nathan Smith, Hazelnuts
Jeremy Kennel, Grass Seed/Vegetables/Wine Grapes
Patti Adair, Horses
Jonathan Gould, Livestock
Jenna Gould, Livestock
Pete Postalwait, General Crop Rotation
Jake Kenagy, Grass Seed
Kate Kenagy, Grass Seed
Matt Lisignoli, Smith Rock Ranch
Matt Larkin, Larkin Valley Ranch Cattle
Karl Dettweyler, Blue Line Farms
Sarah Maggenheimer, Sheep
Mitch Maggenheimer, Sheep
Marlon Johnson, Grass Seed Blueberries, Green beans, Hazelnuts
Bob Riches, Grass Seed
Jerry Simnitt, Simnitt Nursery
Roberta Simnett, Simnitt Nursery
Jim Simnitt, Simnitt Nursery
Eric Hagerty, Hay and Horses
Mike Coon, Grass Seed
Jim VanLeeuwen, Grass Seed
Clayton Hall, Hall Farms
Heidi Hall, Hall Farms
Greg Ditchen, Grass Seed
John Zielinski, Pears/Apples/Peaches/Hazelnuts
Bruce Chapin, Hazelnuts
Cindy Grossman, Grape Vines
Pam Mayo, Horses
Mike Mcintosh, Cattle
John Harris, Cattle
Jason Lobby, Blueberries
Amanda Staehely, Columbia Nursery
Wayne Staehely, Columbia Nursery
Ben Stone, BTN of Oregon
Daniel Hoerauf, Goats
Fran Hoerauf, Goats
Tessa Koch, Dairy Farmer
Todd Koch, Dairy Farmer
Dan Nelson, Hans Nelson Nursery
Brian Field, Agriculture Lender
Deena Fidler, Tri-County Cattlewomen President
Ron Alexander, Maple Leaf Herefords
Dawn Alexander, Maple Leaf Herefords
John Teixeira, Teixeira Cattle Co
Heather Teixeira, Teixeira Cattle Co
Mike Alger, Cattle